
90 MINUTES $185

initial treatment $200


This treatment is designed to act directly on the nervous, circulatory, and lymphatic systems; aiding in circulation of the blood by draining the excess liquid from the body. Snehana* literally translates in the Hindu language as "love for the body." Today's way of living has potential to drain our subtle nadis* and dry out our entire system. This treatment provides a deep essence of calm and peace, deepening ones awareness to the subtle bodies and one’s nervous system. Intentional strokes aid in clearing, cleansing and nourishing the lymphatic system and deep QI or Pranic energy of the body. This acts as a direct line of awakening and immune defense for the body, mind and spirit.

“The body of one who uses oil massage regularly does not become affected much even if subjected to accidental injuries, or strenuous work.  By using oil massage daily, a person is endowed with pleasant touch, trimmed body parts and becomes strong, charming and least affected by old age.”(Charaka Samhita Vol 1, V: 88-99)

This Treatment is geared for all ages.  New born baby to teen to adult and up!

*2 hour treatment for returning clients only: diet/lifestyle tune-up and snehana treatment.

Ayurvedic Consultation 

90 MINUTES $185


An Ayurvedic Consultation is designed to help one improve their health and wellness.  Through diet and lifestyle ones Prakriti* and Vikriti* can walk separate paths that can create a sense of suffering or a yern for awakening inside.  In this consultation one will explore daily diet and lifestyle techniques and daily rituals to gain a deeper understanding of how to support the self.

This consultation does not include medical diagnosis or medical treatment and is not a substitute for medical care and is not an agreement for on-going care.

Phone consults available.


90 minutes $ 225

Shirodhara translated in the Hindu language as "shiro" head "dhara" flow. 

The 90 minute treatment includes pouring warm liquid over the forehead, a head massage, and either snehana, or bodywork and tuning forks.

Both these treatments are designed to relax and renew the body and mind and calm the nervous system.  

*These treatments are not good for some constitutions and imbalances.  We  together will evaluate if this is a good first step for support.

Kati and Hrydara Bastis

2 hours $270

Specific herbal oils are used warm as a bath for the Kati* (low back) or Hrydara* (heart).  A dough dam is placed are the area and  warm herbalized oil is poured to deeply nourish the area.  After 30 minutes the dough dam and oil will be removed and you will then receive a full body Snehana*.  These treatments are super powerful in that they first address the issue of concern on a physical, mental and emotional level and second support the nervous, circulatory, and lymphatic systems. 

Visceral Movement  & Manual Release

90 MINUTES $185

This treatment is designed to help one release physical and emotional layers at the belly, psoas and internal organs of the diaphragm, stomach, and intestines.  Deep elements of Snehana* are used to calm the nervous system and the mind to dive deeper into the subconscious physically and emotionally.  Specific oils are used in this nourishing belly treatment.  Others areas are oiled and tuning forks are applied if treatment time and readiness allows.  

Tuning Forks

90 MINUTES $185

Tuning Forks are designed to travel deep into the cellular level and "attune" the system either by building support for the adult nervous system to handle your current stresses an/or begin to open the door to the cellular vibrations of our past traumas.  Each fork represents a planet and is scientifically, mathematically aligned in their planetary measurement from the earth.


*snehana-Love for the body with herbalized

*subtle nadis-energy channels that run throughout the entire body

*Kati-Low Back region

*Hrydara-Heart region