The Trade of Ayurveda
What is this thing called Life?....This is an endless question I ask myself daily, as I sit in my quiet, contemplative space at the midst of my mantel and the universe; feeling emotions, mental chatter, and physical sensations.
Since I was 18 years old, I have sought out healing and wellness through Eastern Philosophy. I am beyond grateful for the amazing western medical system and technology I would not be writing this to you today, but I believe in empowering people and having them find their inner strength and intuition to ask questions, research alternatives and work the two (eastern and western) together for whole body health. Ayurveda is a beautiful eastern healing system. Ayurveda uses the approach to whole body healing (mind, body and spirit) through the elements of nature. Each element rests in the microcosm as each element rests in the macrocosm. The deeper we look at the self, the more we begin to understand why some activities, foods, herbs, vibrations, people and words work really well for us and some do not. Have you ever wondered why some days you wake up feeling amazing and the next day you feel the walls are closing into darkness? Ayurveda and its broad perspective help in discerning what is happening. Using diet, lifestyle, herbs, oils, yoga, pranayama, meditation etc. we together will dissect the suffering and work together to feel and express with honesty your experience and walk through the darkness to find a sense of peace, balance and light on the other side.
the benefits of ayurveda
- Helps lower stress and anxiety.
- Helps lower blood pressure and choloresterol.
- Helps with inflammation.
- Helps recover from injury or illness.
- Promotes nutrient dense anti-oxidant rich diet.
- Helps hormone balance.
- Helps insomnia.
- Promotes both mental and emotional health.
- Helps with weight loss or weight management.
- Helps with seasonal transitions.
- Promotes overall awareness, consciousness and mindfulness.
- Promotes deeper breath capacity.
- Helps in detox management.
- Promotes longevity.
- Preventative alternative to health and wellness.
- Enhances overall luster in body and life.
- Enhances ones overall immunity.